{"version":"https://jsonfeed.org/version/1","title":"Ffit Cymru - Soffa i 5K","home_page_url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm","feed_url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/json","description":"Cynllun Soffa i 5km Rae Carpenter ar gyfer FFITCymru \r\n\r\nMae cynllun cardio Rae yn rhaglen i’ch cael chi o’r soffa i redeg 5km mewn cyfnod o 6 wythnos.\r\nMae’r cynllun yn cynnwys cerdded a jogian/rhedeg mewn ysbeidiau (intervals). Maen nhw'n ysbeidiau cynyddol – i chi allu canolbwyntio ar yr amser yr ydych chi’n gallu jogian/rhedeg, yn hytrach na'r pellter. Wrth i chi gynyddu ar eich cyflymdra yn ystod yr amser jogian/rhedeg fe fyddwch yn naturiol yn gwella ar eich pellter.\r\nByddwch yn cwblhau 3 diwrnod o cardio yr wythnos os ydych chi’n dilyn cynllun un o’r pum arweinydd (ynghyd â’u cynllun ymwthiant). Ac felly fe fyddwch yn adeiladu ar eich ffitrwydd a'ch cryfder dros yr wythnosau nesaf fel eich bod chi’n gallu cwblhau’r 5km. Mae’r cynllun yn gweithio! Rhowch ffydd ynddi! Ac ewch amdani!\r\n\r\nThis is a Welsh language podcast which accompanies the S4C Show, FFIT Cymru. Rae Carpenter's cardio plan is a programme to get you off your sofa and running 5k within 6 weeks. The plan includes walking and jogging intervals which focus on increasing the time you spend moving, and not the distance. As you increase your speed, you will naturally increase your distance. ","_fireside":{"subtitle":"Ffitrwydd. Iechyd. Trawsnewid.","pubdate":"2019-05-11T14:00:00.000+01:00","explicit":false,"copyright":"2024 by S4C","owner":"Cwmni Da","image":"https://assets.fireside.fm/file/fireside-images/podcasts/images/a/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/cover.jpg?v=1"},"items":[{"id":"5d60c903-1991-4221-97bf-8b65e499096b","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 7, Rhediad 3","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w7rh3","content_text":"Dyma ddiwrnod olaf y cynllun rhedeg, ac unwaith eto fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella amser i chi gwblhau'r her 5K. Barod? \n\nToday is the last day of the sofa to 5K plan, and once again you'll try and improve your time. Ready? ","content_html":"

Dyma ddiwrnod olaf y cynllun rhedeg, ac unwaith eto fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella amser i chi gwblhau'r her 5K. Barod?


Today is the last day of the sofa to 5K plan, and once again you'll try and improve your time. Ready?

","summary":"Dyma ddiwrnod olaf y cynllun rhedeg, ac unwaith eto fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella amser i chi gwblhau'r her 5K. \r\n\r\nToday is the last day of the sofa to 5K plan, and once again you'll try and improve your time. ","date_published":"2019-05-11T14:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/5d60c903-1991-4221-97bf-8b65e499096b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43333100,"duration_in_seconds":3611}]},{"id":"8374c92c-6b1b-498f-b63f-7356c33ba0e7","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 7, Rhediad 2","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w7rh2","content_text":"Unwaith eto heddiw, fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella eich amser o redeg y 5K. Yr her fydd i geisio rhedeg yr holl ffordd - ydych chi'n barod?\n\nAgain, you'll try and improve your time of running the 5K today. The challenge will be to try and run the whole distance - are you ready? ","content_html":"

Unwaith eto heddiw, fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella eich amser o redeg y 5K. Yr her fydd i geisio rhedeg yr holl ffordd - ydych chi'n barod?


Again, you'll try and improve your time of running the 5K today. The challenge will be to try and run the whole distance - are you ready?

","summary":"Unwaith eto heddiw, fyddwch chi'n ceisio gwella eich amser o redeg y 5K.\r\n\r\nAgain, you'll try and improve your time of running the 5K today. ","date_published":"2019-05-11T13:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/8374c92c-6b1b-498f-b63f-7356c33ba0e7.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":44664289,"duration_in_seconds":3722}]},{"id":"e236d2f4-0df1-4204-bd73-942c8c4f7c3d","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 7, Rhediad 1 ","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w7rh1","content_text":"Ar ôl llwyddo i redeg 5K, yr her nawr yw gwella eich amser o gwblhau'r pellter. Beth am geisio rhedeg yr holl ffordd? \n\nAfter running the 5K, the challenge now is to improve your time. How about trying to run the whole distance? ","content_html":"

Ar ôl llwyddo i redeg 5K, yr her nawr yw gwella eich amser o gwblhau'r pellter. Beth am geisio rhedeg yr holl ffordd?


After running the 5K, the challenge now is to improve your time. How about trying to run the whole distance?

","summary":"Ar ôl llwyddo i redeg 5K, eich sialens heddiw yw gwella eich amser o gwblhau'r pellter.\r\n\r\nAfter running the 5K, your challenge now is to improve your time. ","date_published":"2019-05-11T12:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/e236d2f4-0df1-4204-bd73-942c8c4f7c3d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43324649,"duration_in_seconds":3610}]},{"id":"a72241b4-18a6-45e1-82f5-3b927415d003","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 6, Rhediad 3","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w6rh3","content_text":"Mae'r diwrnod mawr wedi cyrraedd! Ceisiwch redeg am 20 munud, cerdded am 1 munud a rhedeg heb stopio nes eich bod chi wedi cwblhau pellter o 5K. \n\nThe big day has arrived! Try to run for 20 minutes, walk for 1 minute and run without stopping until you've completed the 5K. ","content_html":"

Mae'r diwrnod mawr wedi cyrraedd! Ceisiwch redeg am 20 munud, cerdded am 1 munud a rhedeg heb stopio nes eich bod chi wedi cwblhau pellter o 5K.


The big day has arrived! Try to run for 20 minutes, walk for 1 minute and run without stopping until you've completed the 5K.

","summary":"Mae'r diwrnod mawr wedi cyrraedd - amser i chi gwblhau 5K! \r\n\r\nThe big day has arrived - it's time for you to run the 5K!","date_published":"2019-05-04T16:30:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/a72241b4-18a6-45e1-82f5-3b927415d003.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":44709674,"duration_in_seconds":3725}]},{"id":"4a0c6ee5-3cf8-4372-adde-c0b9dce15cb5","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 6, Rhediad 2","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w6rh2","content_text":"Heddiw, fe fyddwch chi'n rhedeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded am 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto. Mi fyddwch chi'n rhedeg am 5 munud ar y diwedd cyn gorffen. Ydych chi'n barod?\n\nToday, you'll run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once more. To finish, you'll run for an extra 5 minutes. Are you ready? ","content_html":"

Heddiw, fe fyddwch chi'n rhedeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded am 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto. Mi fyddwch chi'n rhedeg am 5 munud ar y diwedd cyn gorffen. Ydych chi'n barod?


Today, you'll run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once more. To finish, you'll run for an extra 5 minutes. Are you ready?

","summary":"Heddiw, fe fyddwch chi'n rhedeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded am 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto. Mi fyddwch chi'n rhedeg am 5 munud ar y diwedd cyn gorffen.\r\n\r\nToday, you'll run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once more. To finish, you'll run for an extra 5 minutes. \r\n","date_published":"2019-05-04T16:15:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/4a0c6ee5-3cf8-4372-adde-c0b9dce15cb5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":28724764,"duration_in_seconds":2393}]},{"id":"e8123366-509c-4e1e-85fb-fa8a7bc00637","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 6, Rhediad 1","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w6rh1","content_text":"Gyda'r sialens 5K dydd Sadwrn yma, eich her ar gyfer heddiw fydd i redeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto.\n\nWith the 5K run this Saturday, your challenge for today is to run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once again. ","content_html":"

Gyda'r sialens 5K dydd Sadwrn yma, eich her ar gyfer heddiw fydd i redeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto.


With the 5K run this Saturday, your challenge for today is to run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once again.

","summary":"Eich her ar gyfer heddiw fydd i redeg mor bell ac y gallwch am 15 munud, cerdded 1 munud ac ailadrodd unwaith eto.\r\nYour challenge for today is to run as far as you can for 15 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat once again. ","date_published":"2019-05-04T16:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/e8123366-509c-4e1e-85fb-fa8a7bc00637.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":25043884,"duration_in_seconds":2086}]},{"id":"1a4d0b97-a0e9-4565-99bb-a9c9c7eb4813","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 5, Rhediad 3","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w5rh3","content_text":"Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau. Cyfanswm o hanner awr. \n\nRun for 8 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and do this 3 times. ","content_html":"

Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau. Cyfanswm o hanner awr.


Run for 8 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and do this 3 times.

","summary":"Ydych chi'n barod i redeg am 8 munud a cherdded am 2 funud? Gwnewch hyn 3 gwaith. \r\nBydd Rae yn eich annog i wella eich pellter heddiw, a chynyddu eich cyflymdra. \r\n\r\nAre you ready to run for 8 minutes and walk for 2 minutes? Repeat this 3 times. \r\nToday, Rae encourages you to improve your distance and increase your speed. ","date_published":"2019-04-26T13:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/1a4d0b97-a0e9-4565-99bb-a9c9c7eb4813.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23076366,"duration_in_seconds":1923}]},{"id":"e907ea47-a3b9-4d10-9ae5-a552f75eea49","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 5, Rhediad 2","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w5rh2","content_text":"Rhedeg am 12 munud, cerdded am 2 munud . Gwneud hyn 2 waith a wedyn gorffen gyda redeg am 5 munud ar y diwedd.\n\nRun for 12 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. Do this twice and then run for 5 more minutes at the end.","content_html":"

Rhedeg am 12 munud, cerdded am 2 munud . Gwneud hyn 2 waith a wedyn gorffen gyda redeg am 5 munud ar y diwedd.


Run for 12 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. Do this twice and then run for 5 more minutes at the end.

","summary":"Gyda'r her o gwblhau'r 5K yn agosáu, mae Rae am osod sialens i chi redeg am 12 munud, cerdded am 2 funud a gwneud hyn 2 waith - cyn gorffen trwy redeg am 5 munud heb stopio ar y diwedd. Ydych chi'n barod? \r\n\r\nAs the 5K challenge approaches, Rae challenges you to run for 12 minutes and walk for 2 minutes. Repeat this twice before running for 5 minutes at the end. Are you ready? ","date_published":"2019-04-26T12:30:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/e907ea47-a3b9-4d10-9ae5-a552f75eea49.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":25253594,"duration_in_seconds":2104}]},{"id":"51b79865-e270-4e6a-a31b-714614c854ca","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 5, Rhediad 1","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w5rh1","content_text":"Rhedeg 9 munud, cerdded am 1 munud a gwneud hyn 3 gwaith.\nRun for 9 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat this 3 times.","content_html":"

Rhedeg 9 munud, cerdded am 1 munud a gwneud hyn 3 gwaith.
\nRun for 9 minutes, walk for 1 minute and repeat this 3 times.

","summary":"Heddiw, byddwch yn rhedeg am 9 munud ac yn cerdded am 1 munud. Gwnewch hyn 3 gwaith.\r\nY tro yma, beth am fynd i redeg gyda ffrind neu aelod o'r teulu? \r\n\r\nToday, you'll run for 9 minutes and walk for 1 minute. Repeat this 3 times. \r\nTo change things up a little, how about persuading a friend or family member to accompany you on your run? \r\n\r\n","date_published":"2019-04-26T12:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/51b79865-e270-4e6a-a31b-714614c854ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":22948349,"duration_in_seconds":1912}]},{"id":"e7b72ce0-de2a-4adb-9b89-87be26bab8f1","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 4, Rhediad 1.","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w4rh1","content_text":"Dim ond pythefnos i fynd nes eich her 5K. Felly heddiw, bydd Rae yn eich gwthio i redeg am 8 munud a cherdded am 2 munud x 3 gwaith.\n\nJust two weeks to go until the 5K run. Today, Rae will be pushing you to run for 8 minutes and walk for 2 minutes. Do this 3 times.","content_html":"

Dim ond pythefnos i fynd nes eich her 5K. Felly heddiw, bydd Rae yn eich gwthio i redeg am 8 munud a cherdded am 2 munud x 3 gwaith.


Just two weeks to go until the 5K run. Today, Rae will be pushing you to run for 8 minutes and walk for 2 minutes. Do this 3 times.

","summary":"Ydych chi’n barod i redeg am wyth munud eto?! \r\nDyna fydd yr her heddiw - wyth munud o redeg, cerdded am ddau funud, ac ail adrodd hyn dair gwaith. Cyfanswm o hanner awr.\r\n\r\nYou'll be running for 8 minutes again today, walking for 2 minutes and repeating this three times\r\n","date_published":"2019-04-18T16:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/e7b72ce0-de2a-4adb-9b89-87be26bab8f1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23076366,"duration_in_seconds":1923}]},{"id":"9cd17175-c63f-4b75-8589-87cdaec0a16c","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 4, Rhediad 3","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w4rh3","content_text":"Heddiw, fe fyddwch chi'n rhedeg am 8 munud, cerdded am ddau funud, ac ail adrodd hyn dair gwaith. \nIt's back to running 8 minutes today, then walk for two minutes and repeating this three times. ","content_html":"

Heddiw, fe fyddwch chi'n rhedeg am 8 munud, cerdded am ddau funud, ac ail adrodd hyn dair gwaith.
\nIt's back to running 8 minutes today, then walk for two minutes and repeating this three times.

","summary":"Rhedeg am 8 munud, cerdded am 2 funud x 3 o weithiau.\r\nRun for 8 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. Repeat 3 times.","date_published":"2019-04-18T16:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/9cd17175-c63f-4b75-8589-87cdaec0a16c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23076366,"duration_in_seconds":1923}]},{"id":"e2c76e3d-2021-4952-9f40-da8f64c4b2a0","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 4, Rhediad 2","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w4rh2","content_text":"Rhywbeth newydd heddiw wrth i’r patrwm rhedeg newid. Mae Rae yn eich gwthio chi i redeg am ddeng munud, cerdded am ddau funud, gwneud hynny dwywaith, ac yna rhedeg am bum munud heb stopio. Ydych chi'n barod am yr her?\n\nSomething new today, with a change in the running pattern. Rae encourages you to run for 10 minutes, walk for two minutes, repeat and then run for 5 minutes without stopping. Are you ready? ","content_html":"

Rhywbeth newydd heddiw wrth i’r patrwm rhedeg newid. Mae Rae yn eich gwthio chi i redeg am ddeng munud, cerdded am ddau funud, gwneud hynny dwywaith, ac yna rhedeg am bum munud heb stopio. Ydych chi'n barod am yr her?


Something new today, with a change in the running pattern. Rae encourages you to run for 10 minutes, walk for two minutes, repeat and then run for 5 minutes without stopping. Are you ready?

","summary":"Rhywbeth newydd heddiw wrth i’r patrwm rhedeg newid. Rhedeg am 10 munud, cerdded am 2 funud. Gwnewch hynny dwywaith cyn rhedeg am bum munud heb stopio.\r\nRun for 10 mins and walk for 2 mins. Repeat this twice before you finish with a 5 minute run without stopping.","date_published":"2019-04-18T16:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/e2c76e3d-2021-4952-9f40-da8f64c4b2a0.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":22475093,"duration_in_seconds":1872}]},{"id":"2adc1b7e-6ca1-4a7c-8a96-cfe589a1b751","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 3, Rhediad 3","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w3rh3","content_text":"Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau\n\nRun 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3","content_html":"

Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau


Run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3

","summary":"Â chithau hanner ffordd at gyflawni eich her o redeg 5K, mae Rae yn eich gwthio unwaith eto!\r\n\r\nAs you're halfway towards training for your 5K park run, Rae pushes your limit once more!","date_published":"2019-04-15T13:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/2adc1b7e-6ca1-4a7c-8a96-cfe589a1b751.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":23661106,"duration_in_seconds":1926}]},{"id":"93cbd932-46f1-4c07-8ea2-5836d378949a","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 3, Rhediad 2","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w3rh2","content_text":"Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau\n\nRun 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3","content_html":"

Rhedeg 8 mun, cerdded 2 mun x 3 o weithiau


Run 8 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3

","summary":"Â chithau hanner ffordd at gyflawni eich her o redeg 5K, mae Rae yn eich gwthio unwaith eto!\r\n\r\nAs you're halfway towards training for your 5K park run, Rae pushes your limit once more!","date_published":"2019-04-15T12:15:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/93cbd932-46f1-4c07-8ea2-5836d378949a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23554080,"duration_in_seconds":1962}]},{"id":"b7769a84-a785-4c7d-8d91-601466553c9d","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 3, Rhediad 1.","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w3rh1","content_text":"Rhedeg am 7 munud, cerdded 2 munud x 3 o weithiau\nRun for 7 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3 ","content_html":"

Rhedeg am 7 munud, cerdded 2 munud x 3 o weithiau
\nRun for 7 minutes, walk 2 minutes x 3

","summary":"Â hithau'n drydydd wythnos her FFIT Cymru bellach, mi fydd yr ymarferion cardio yn anoddach fyth!\r\n\r\nIt's the third week of your FFIT Cymru cardio challenge - and this is the toughest week yet!","date_published":"2019-04-15T11:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/b7769a84-a785-4c7d-8d91-601466553c9d.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":20876602,"duration_in_seconds":1739}]},{"id":"90d653f7-3d6a-4114-91ea-e9bc14026ed3","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 2, Rhediad 3","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w2rh3","content_text":"Bydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos. Felly byddwch chi'n rhedeg am 5 munud ac yn cerdded am 3 munud x 3 gwaith.\n\nIn this episode, Rae will be pushing you further in your last cardio session of the week. You'll run for 5 minutes and walk for 3 minutes x 3 times. ","content_html":"

Bydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos. Felly byddwch chi'n rhedeg am 5 munud ac yn cerdded am 3 munud x 3 gwaith.


In this episode, Rae will be pushing you further in your last cardio session of the week. You'll run for 5 minutes and walk for 3 minutes x 3 times.

","summary":"Mae hi'n tynnu at derfyn yr ail wythnos, felly mi fydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos!\r\n","date_published":"2019-04-12T10:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/90d653f7-3d6a-4114-91ea-e9bc14026ed3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":18787640,"duration_in_seconds":1565}]},{"id":"1e887b4d-3a7e-4c51-a661-d1f273378558","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 2, Rhediad 2","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w2rh2","content_text":"Mae hi'n tynnu at derfyn yr ail wythnos, felly mi fydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos!\nByddwch yn rhedeg am 3 munud ac yn cerdded am 3 munud x 4 gwaith.\n\nAs week two draws to an end, Rae wants you to push harder before the weekend!\nYou'll be running for 3 minutes and walking for 3 minutes x 4 times. ","content_html":"

Mae hi'n tynnu at derfyn yr ail wythnos, felly mi fydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos!
\nByddwch yn rhedeg am 3 munud ac yn cerdded am 3 munud x 4 gwaith.


As week two draws to an end, Rae wants you to push harder before the weekend!
\nYou'll be running for 3 minutes and walking for 3 minutes x 4 times.

","summary":"Mae hi'n tynnu at derfyn yr ail wythnos, felly mi fydd Rae yn eich gwthio chi yn y sesiwn cardio cyn y penwythnos!\r\n\r\nAs week two draws to an end, Rae wants you to push harder before the weekend!","date_published":"2019-04-07T09:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/1e887b4d-3a7e-4c51-a661-d1f273378558.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":18576365,"duration_in_seconds":1548}]},{"id":"ae23423d-5193-402e-807f-d224a8328a06","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 2, Rhediad 1","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w2rh1","content_text":"Dyma'r ail wythnos o ymarferion cardio felly mi fydd pethau fymryn yn anoddach yr wythnos hon!\nByddwch yn rhedeg am 2 funud, cerdded am 4 munud x 5 o weithiau\n\nWith the first week of FFIT Cymru completed, it's time to take it up a notch on cardio day!\nYou'll be running for 2 minutes and walking for 4 minutes x 5 times ","content_html":"

Dyma'r ail wythnos o ymarferion cardio felly mi fydd pethau fymryn yn anoddach yr wythnos hon!
\nByddwch yn rhedeg am 2 funud, cerdded am 4 munud x 5 o weithiau


With the first week of FFIT Cymru completed, it's time to take it up a notch on cardio day!
\nYou'll be running for 2 minutes and walking for 4 minutes x 5 times

","summary":"Dyma'r ail wythnos o ymarferion cardio felly mi fydd pethau fymryn yn anoddach yr wythnos hon!\r\n\r\nWith the first week of FFIT Cymru completed, it's time to take it up a notch on cardio day!","date_published":"2019-04-07T09:00:00.000+01:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/ae23423d-5193-402e-807f-d224a8328a06.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23001559,"duration_in_seconds":1916}]},{"id":"e12a3e8f-7e7b-4cbd-bc53-0b9d2de50c53","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 1, Rhediad 2","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w1rh2","content_text":"Diwrnod 4\nRhedeg 2 funud\nCerdded 4 munud\nx5 o weithiau\n\nDay 4\nRun 2 minutes\nWalk 4 minutes\n5 x times","content_html":"

Diwrnod 4
\nRhedeg 2 funud
\nCerdded 4 munud
\nx5 o weithiau


Day 4
\nRun 2 minutes
\nWalk 4 minutes
\n5 x times

","summary":"Heddiw rydym ni'n parhau ar ein taith o'r soffa i 5km.\r\nToday we continue our journey from Sofa to 5km.","date_published":"2019-03-29T15:45:00.000+00:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/e12a3e8f-7e7b-4cbd-bc53-0b9d2de50c53.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":23001559,"duration_in_seconds":1916}]},{"id":"ae3368fc-53e3-43f8-9320-9da9d04a9bf5","title":"Soffa i 5K : Wythnos 1, Rhediad 1","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/w1rh1","content_text":"Heddiw, byddwch chi'n rhedeg neu jogio am 1 munud, wedyn cerdded am 1 munud x 10 o weithiau .\n\nToday you will begin by jogging or running for a minute, followed by walking for one minute, and you'll repeat this ten times. (This is a Welsh language podcast. )","content_html":"

Heddiw, byddwch chi'n rhedeg neu jogio am 1 munud, wedyn cerdded am 1 munud x 10 o weithiau .


Today you will begin by jogging or running for a minute, followed by walking for one minute, and you'll repeat this ten times. (This is a Welsh language podcast. )

","summary":"Heddiw rydym ni'n cychwyn ar ein taith o'r soffa i 5km.\r\nToday we start our journey from Sofa to 5km.","date_published":"2019-03-18T10:00:00.000+00:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/ae3368fc-53e3-43f8-9320-9da9d04a9bf5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":15994115,"duration_in_seconds":1332}]},{"id":"9f710493-74e0-4e02-9077-8f58ac20decc","title":"Soffa i 5K : Cyflwyniad","url":"https://ffitcymru.fireside.fm/cyflwyniad","content_text":"Dilynwch gynllun Soffa i 5K trwy wrando ar bodlediad FFIT Cymru gydag ein harbenigwr ffitrwydd, Rae Carpenter. \nWrth i chi ddilyn y podlediad, bydd y cynllun yn eich galluogi i redeg 5K erbyn diwedd y cyfnod o 6 wythnos. \n\nFollow FFIT Cymru's 6-week Sofa to 5k plan with our fitness expert, Rae Carpenter. This is a Welsh language podcast. \n\nwww.s4c.cymru/ffitcymru\nwww.facebook.com/ffitcymru\nwww.twitter.com/ffitcymru\nwww.instagram.com/ffitcymru\nwww.youtube.com/ffitcymru","content_html":"

Dilynwch gynllun Soffa i 5K trwy wrando ar bodlediad FFIT Cymru gydag ein harbenigwr ffitrwydd, Rae Carpenter.
\nWrth i chi ddilyn y podlediad, bydd y cynllun yn eich galluogi i redeg 5K erbyn diwedd y cyfnod o 6 wythnos.


Follow FFIT Cymru's 6-week Sofa to 5k plan with our fitness expert, Rae Carpenter. This is a Welsh language podcast.



","summary":"Dilynwch gynllun Soffa i 5K trwy wrando ar bodlediad FFIT Cymru gydag ein harbenigwr ffitrwydd, Rae Carpenter. \r\nFollow FFIT Cymru's 6-week Sofa to 5k plan with our fitness expert, Rae Carpenter. \r\n","date_published":"2019-03-15T11:00:00.000+00:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/ac02721d-9ff7-4ec7-a4f0-157a960cb27d/9f710493-74e0-4e02-9077-8f58ac20decc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mp3","size_in_bytes":722845,"duration_in_seconds":60}]}]}